Abyssinian - Ethiopian Horses

Aegidienberger Horses

A Gaited horse produced by the Germany 🇩🇪 from Peruvian Paso and Icelandic horses. Aegidienberger Horses

With less than 100 of these horses in existence, it`s unlikely that you`ve heard of them before. But those lucky enough to own an Aegidienberger will tell you that they`re worth their weight in gold. Developed by crossing elegant Peruvian Pasos with hardy Icelandic Horses, the Aegidienberger has the smooth-as-silk tölt of the Icelandic and the refinement (and extra height) of the Peruvian Paso. This makes it a delightful and versatile riding horse for children and adults alike. Aegidienberger Horses

This cute filly is only a few days old. She enjoys the sun and the familiarity of her mum! This cross breed is called "Aegidienberger" (Islandic horse and Paso Peruano). @Thomas Grad - Imagemaker Aegidienberger Horses
